Lesson Plan - Broiler Chicken Welfare - Science Year 7 - Science Inquiry Skills
Resource Description
All About Chickens: A Year 7 Science Conference
This activity is designed to help Year 7 students understand interactions between organisms and how humans might impact on these interactions. Specifically, it is designed with the intent of encouraging students to consider the contemporary animal welfare issues inherent in chicken meat farming in Australia and how science may be used to examine and resolve these issues.
The learning sequence for this activity begins by watching a video on chicken behaviour, both within and outside of a farm environment. Students then read information on one aspect of life for a broiler (meat) chicken before creating their own annotated posted for the 'All About Chickens: A Year 7 Science Conference'. Finally, students reflect upon ways in which science can impact on the lives and experiences of animals.
This Australian Curriculum alignment statement is based on the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) materials, which are licensed under CC BY 4.0. The material has been modified from the Australian Curriculum website (accessed January 2020).
All activities have been created by educators for educators and are linked to the Australian Curriculum (Version 8.4). We advise teachers to consult the ACARA website for the most up-to-date curriculum outcomes.