He joined the plethora of other thinkers and scholars who had come to a similar understanding. Change will invariably occur, but it is how we adapt to this change and direct ourselves in a new world that matters.

Since early 2020, our current generation of teachers have faced perhaps the most complex and widespread change in providing quality education since WWII. The rapid shift to entirely online learning presented the education industry with unique challenges, which every single teacher had to adapt to. Whether it was the sudden requirement for increased computer literacy, the substantial differences between online, remote learning and standard face-to-face teaching methods, or even just dealing with the emotional impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on themselves and their students, the past 18 months have been unprecedented in their demands upon those working in the education sector.

It is more important than ever for our teachers to be given opportunities to build their skillset to adapt to the waves of changes that continue to wash over the world of education. The students currently navigating their way through the upheaval caused by COVID-19 are the next generation of ethical leaders, critical thinkers, and some will succeed their own teachers and enter the education industry themselves.

We cannot predict what the future holds but we can be certain that change will continue to occur. And we can ensure our children are well prepared by building teachers who thoroughly understand the latest research and support the reasoning behind the provision of holistic education.

Executive Dean of the Faculty of Education and Philosophy & Theology at The University of Notre Dame Australia, Professor Caroline Mansfield recognises this need for constant upskilling and professional development in teachers.

“We already know teachers are lifelong learners, early adopters of new technology and thinking, and constantly innovating in their profession,” Professor Mansfield said.

“This past year has opened a world of insights for educators, especially into the learning experience of student cohorts from all walks of life.

“Notre Dame has a comprehensive suite of programs for educators to remain up to date in their practices, including courses in special needs education, middle years mathematics, early childhood, religious education and leadership courses for current and aspiring ethical leaders.”

Gain the practical skills and theoretical knowledge you need to advance your career, adapt to change, and provide stability and opportunities for our next generation of ethical leaders.

Explore our education postgraduate programs here.