The Post-School Success Expert Panel Report: Consultation Draft reflects the extensive research and stakeholder engagement undertaken across the State by a panel of education experts, including principals and curriculum and assessment policy specialists, with support from a larger Advisory Committee representing key stakeholder groups.

“This draft report makes it clear that more needs be done to ensure WA’s education system is providing accessible and meaningful pathways for all school students,” Buti said.

“We are committed to strengthening secondary school pathways and helping to prepare students for the range of further study, training and work options available to them.”

The draft report will now be released for public consultation before a final draft will be submitted to the Minister for consideration.

“Senior secondary pathways have wide-ranging implications for a broad range of stakeholders, so it is important that this consultation draft be open for feedback from the public,” Buti said.

“To enable feedback from this further consultation to be considered, the final report will be provided to the State Government on October 1, 2024.”

Submissions can be made by August 16, 2024 via the Pathways to Post-School Success Review website.

The comprehensive review aims to ensure all secondary pathways, including Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) and vocational education and training (VET), are fit for purpose, meets the current needs of students and are accessible to encourage all students to challenge themselves.

It highlights while there is currently a lot to celebrate about senior secondary education in Western Australia, more needs to be done to ensure the system is providing accessible and meaningful pathways for all school students.

Key recommendations of the review include actions to:

  • enable as many VET qualifications as possible to contribute to ATAR, in line with other Australian jurisdictions;
  • explore expanding the information included in the Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement (WASSA) to reflect a holistic picture of achievement;
  • to make WASSAs available to students who leave school prior to Year 12;
  • work with the school system and sectors to strengthen delivery of career education and pathway planning, particularly for students in regional, remote and lower socio-economic areas;
  • school system and sectors to identify opportunities to strengthen inclusive practices;
  • explore new offerings for students with disability, similar to the Skills course implemented in New South Wales;
  • to develop an additional level within the WACE to accommodate students with a recognised disability, following a period of consultation with students with disability; and
  • keep the literacy and numeracy standard as a requirement to achieve the WACE with an expansion of methods demonstrating the literacy and numeracy standard.

The review was first announced last year and is being led by the Department of Education in partnership with Catholic Education Western Australia and the Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia.

The review is being conducted alongside the proposed refreshment to the WACE.