Casino West Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 6 months ago

Casino West Public School is located in Casino, with a student population of 242, with over 50% identifying as Aboriginal. Our school attracts considerable funding due to its complexity. The fourteen classes include a multi categorical (MC) class, an autism support class (IO/AU) and a department of Education Preschool. Our school has a large staff including a Senior Psychologist, a School Psychologist, an Instructional Leader (EAfS), and Aboriginal Education Officer (AEO), Two Learning and Support Officers (LaSTs) working Preschool to year 6.

Our school has a long running and developing Bundjalung Culture and Language program in place, has a proud record in sport and has programs which focus on enhancing student learning using twenty first century pedagogies and up to date technologies.

Our connection with the local community is strong and parent participation in school events is excellent.

Staff at Casino West PS are dedicated and committed to the students and our school. The staff share programs and learning with neighbouring schools and a strong community of schools is established and growing.

Our school is developing our assets to enhance all student’s school experience and to further integrate our position into the community.


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02 66621916
02 66626373
Hotham St
New South Wales
Hotham St
