Australian Federation of Societies for Studies of Society and Environment

Professional development / Last updated 5 years, 6 months ago

AFSSSE is a consortium of four professional associations, namely the Australian Association for Environmental Education (AAEE), the Australian Geography Teachers' Association (AGTA), Business Educators Australasia (BEA) and the Social Educators Association of Australia (SEAA).

AFSSSE was formed in 1994 to act as the peak organisation for the broad area of study known as Studies of Society and Environment (SOSE). From 1994 until July 2011 the History Teachers Association of Australia (HTAA) was a member of AFSSSE.

Lori Hocking (Executive Officer)
Unit 3, 262 Marion Road
South Australia

Arab Gateways
Commonwealth Class Project
Discovering democracy

Executive Officer: Lori Hocking
President: Syd Smith
Secretary & Public Officer: Rob Berry
Treasurer: Christine Reid
