Video Transcript - How are Chickens Raised for Meat in Australia? Chicken Welfare in the Meat Industry.

Resource Description
This video explains how chickens are reared for meat production in Australia, and outlines the associated welfare issues. It is ideal for educating secondary school students on the animal protection issues raised by meat chicken farming. It contains no graphic footage and is suitable for use in high school classrooms for all ages and countries.
Access the rest of the Broiler Chicken Welfare unit here:
This Australian Curriculum alignment statement is based on the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) materials, which are licensed under CC BY 4.0. The material has been modified from the Australian Curriculum website (accessed January 2020).
All activities have been created by educators for educators and are linked to the Australian Curriculum (Version 8.4). We advise teachers to consult the ACARA website for the most up-to-date curriculum outcomes.