Online Student Magazine - Animal Welfare

Resource Description
Kind Education is an online magazine for students in years 3 to 8. The content focuses on animal welfare, ethics and sustainability, and supports many of the key capabilities outlined in the Australian curriculum. The magazine is developed by ThinkKind, a volunteer group of Australian teachers, writers and activists. A new issue is released twice per term, and each article features a corresponding teaching guide which outlines activities and lessons aligned to the Australian curriculum. The teaching guides you will find on this site cover the English, Science and Humanities and Social Science learning areas. The general capabilities covered in Kind Education include: ethical behaviour; personal and social capability; critical and creative thinking; sustainability (cross-curricular priority). You can browse content by topic, learning area, issue, and content type (e.g. feature articles, news stories, opinion pieces etc.). About ThinkKind ThinkKind is a free, multi-award winning website for teachers and educators to find quality educational resources that promote humane education. ThinkKind started in 2013 with a primary focus on helping students and educators explore the issue of animal welfare, ethics and protection. ThinkKind’s mission is to build a compassionate and socially responsible society – for humans, animals, and the planet – by empowering the next generation of thinkers and leaders. What is humane education? Humane education is defined as the teaching of compassion and respect related to animal welfare, environmental, and social justice issues. It teaches relevant knowledge, skills, and commitment to live ethically, sustainably, and peaceably. It does this by infusing the curricula at all levels of education with meaningful information, inspiration, and tools for creating a safe and humane world for all. Humane education includes the following four elements: 1. Providing accurate information from different viewpoints 2. Fostering the 3C’s: curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking 3. Instilling the 3R’s: reverence, respect, and responsibility 4. Offering positive choices and tools for problem solving Australian teachers can download free humane education lesson plans, worksheets, classroom displays, and more at
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