Inclusive and special education instructional coaching toolkit 3 hour teacher PD

Resource Description
The inclusive and special education instructional coaching toolkit for teacher PD is a comprehensive resource which guides you through beginning to work with students with disability in a specialist or inclusive education setting. It is perfect for accessing teacher professional development online, or to support beginning teachers or more experienced generalist teachers who are interesting in building their professional capabilities in inclusive and special education. It is ideal as an instructional coaching toolkit to support teachers as they develop their skills, collaborate and solve challenges within their teaching teams.
What's inside?
- 1 x video presentation (run time 70 minutes) introduction to inclusive and specialist education
- 8 x printable activities to complete during instructional coaching sessions
- 1 x set of presentation slide summary notes
- 1 x completion certificate for 3 hours of teacher professional development
Topics covered include:
- inclusive language
- understanding disability
- collaboration with team members
- behavior strategies
- communication skills
- practical strategies for inclusion
- capacity building as a teacher
- reflection and reflection journals
What to do
Watch the video presentation and pause the video at the activity points - work with your instructional coach or mentor to complete the activities as you go.
Use the printable activities to support your learning.
Write reflections into your diary or reflection journal using the included SEAL reflection template.
Download and complete your certificate of participation then upload it to your workplace PD platform as evidence of your professional learning.