How to solve workplace problems - task cards to discuss and share

Resource Description
Employability skills (soft skills) help young people to succeed in a workplace. They are vital for helping solve the problems which often arise at work, particularly when a young person is first starting out and learning what it really means to be a worker.
Key employability skills include:
- communication
- teamwork
- digital literacy
- problem solving
- awareness of diversity
- personal organisation
- innovation
- time management
These problem solving task cards use realistic situations - just like those faced by young people every day in a workplace. They challenge learners to think about possible solutions and discuss options before sharing their ideas with others in the class or group.
How to use the workplace problems task cards:
Give pairs of students a copy of the task cards and have them discuss and plan how they would solve each problem using employability skills. Encourage 'if, then' thinking strategies as well as considering more than one alternative to solve the problems. Ask students if they can think of more than one solution to each problem and share their ideas with another pair or group.
What's included?
24 printable task cards
1 printable question / prompt page for students
1 printable information page on key employability skills for students