Money management problems to discuss and solve for teens - VCAL, Life skills and Numeracy

Resource Description
Many young people find it hard to manage money independently. This money management resource helps build skills and knowledge of key concepts using a unique, problem solving approach. Students are able to work on their own or in pairs or small groups to think, talk about and make choices about the best option to solve each money management scenario.
The resource contains:
printable vocabulary list of key terms and their meanings
24 printable scenarios related to money management
The scenarios cover a wide range of concepts and situations, including:
- using public transport or driving?
- friends who like expensive coffee
- is being a vegetarian really cheaper than eating meat?
- renting or buying a house
- saving for a family day out
- going fishing
- buying food or ordering take away
- dealing with a sick rabbit - and an expensive vet bill
- saving for an expensive item
- winning competitions online
- buying and selling goods to make money
- selling photos for profit
This resource is ideal for using as part of VCAL Numeracy, Life Skills, Foundation Skills or as a general maths resource for teens who require additional learning support. The resource is designd to be teen friendly, with age appropriate language and styling, but using simple, easy to read text and realistic problems and situations.