Fact Sheet - Legal Personhood

Resource Description
This fact sheet is a comprehensive introduction to the concept of legal personhood for animals to encourage critical thinking in the classroom.
Some of the questions covered include:
- What is legal personhood?
- What is the legal status of animals?
- What is the Nonhuman Rights Project?
- Should animals be granted rights?
- Why aren’t animals legal persons?
Access the fact sheet and accompanying resources here: www.voiceless.org.au
This Australian Curriculum alignment statement is based on the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) materials, which are licensed under CC BY 4.0. The material has been modified from the Australian Curriculum website (accessed January 2020).
All activities have been created by educators for educators and are linked to the Australian Curriculum (Version 8.4). We advise teachers to consult the ACARA website for the most up-to-date curriculum outcomes.