About this job
Xavier Catholic College, Ballina
Xavier Catholic College is a ministry of the Catholic Parish of St Francis Xavier and is a Companion School of Jesuit Education Australia. As a school within the Diocese of Lismore, and as a Companion School in JEA, the College enjoys wonderful ongoing support, outstanding spiritual nurturing and guidance, academic and vocational outcomes that are exceptional, strong and supportive Pastoral Care, and enviable networking and fellowship opportunities across our Diocese and Australia.
We invite suitably qualified teachers to apply for the following position:
Temporary, part time position (0.8 FTE) 12 month role commencing Term 3, 2025 (leave replacement)
Applicants must:
- hold a valid NSW Working with Children Check
- have full accreditation with NSW Educational Standards Authority (NESA)
- comply with the Accreditation to Work Teach and Lead Policy upon appointment
- have a knowledge of and commitment to the Catholic ethos and mission of the school
- provide evidence of qualifications in a specialised faculty
- able to work as a member of a committed team of professional teachers, dedicated to providing quality teaching and learning in partnership with the parent community
- experience in identifying, supporting and teaching students with special educational needs
- experience in preparation of NESA and NCCD documentation as required under legislation
- a willingness to contribute positively as part of a professional learning community.
Your application should address the above criteria including the nomination of two (2) referees.
Enquiries to the school: xavier@lism.catholic.edu.au
Applications must be received by 3:00pm on Friday 11 April 2025.
Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools Limited is committed to creating Child Safe Schools.
Child Protection Legislation requires successful applicants to be subject to employment screening.
An Equal Opportunity Employer.