Effective Delegation for Team Leaders, Heads of Department and Principals

The ability to delegate is one of the most important skills of being a successful school principal, head of department or team leader, yet many struggle with delegation, seeing it as a time-consuming risk that leads to a loss of control and reduced work quality. Delegation handled effectively leads to increased overall efficiency, a stimulated and motivated staff and time savings.

Date April 10, 2018 - April 10, 2018
Time 3:30pm - 6:30pm

This  course  provides  participants  with  the  skills  to  set  up  and  implement  a  structured  approach  to  delegation  that  provides  appropriate  monitoring  and  guidance,  including  effective  feedback  to  inform,  motivate  and  empower  colleagues.
Understanding  the  three  levels  of  delegation,  supports  the  skill    to  assess  staff  competence  and  motivation,  and  provide  flexible,  situational  monitoring  as  the  recipient  develops  their  personal  capability  to  lead.  These  delegation  skills  can  be  learned,  and  once  mastered,  are  hugely  beneficial  to  the  leader,  the  staff  and  the  whole  school.


  • Understand  the  benefits  of  effective  delegation  and  the  ingrained  resistance  to  ‘letting  go’.
  • Know  how  to  grow  people  safely  into  new  tasks,  using  the  3  levels  of  delegation  with  several  typical  school  environment  case  studies  to  relate  to.
  • Understand  how    to  tailor  personal  monitoring  style  to  suit  varying  levels  of  competence  and  motivation  across  the  staff 
Kohia Centre
(09) 623 8977
Kohia Centre, University of Auckland Gate 1, 78 Epsom Avenue