Victorian Association for Gifted and Talented Children

Non-profit / Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago

The VAGTC welcomes all educators, school leaders and administrators, families and policy makers who are interested in providing the best possible education for gifted and talented children and students across Victoria. We believe that effective education of gifted and talented students involves a deep understanding of their characteristics and various learning needs. We offer support and resources to families and educators that include research-based strategies and tools that can be used to develop a productive and positive learning experience for gifted and talented students.

The VAGTC is a non-profit DET-supported group that runs free VIT-accredited seminars around Victoria. Effective education for gifted and talented children is based on identifying and counseling their needs. The VAGTC is made up of educators and administrators from both independent and government schools, researchers and academics as well as parent and business community members. With expertise in enrichment, extension, acceleration and differentiation, the VAGTC runs regular seminars for both parents and educators in both regional and metro areas, as well as conferences and forums focusing on the education of gifted and talented children.
The VAGTC publishes a Resource Book for educators and families, that includes up-to-date student competitions, programs, opportunities and ideas, website resources, mentor program resources and VISION magazine, a bi-annual magazine with hands-on ideas and other resources.

2/3 Wellington St, Kew

Seminars include identification and social-emotional support, schooling options, and various strategies that can be used to support the education of gifted and talented students. These strategies include curriculum differentiation, compacting, grouping and acceleration.
We encourage you to join the VAGTC to explore gifted and talented education, share resources, develop professionally and support colleagues in this endeavor.
