Truscott Street Public School

School / Last updated 3 years, 1 month ago

Truscott Street Public School was built in 1958 to cater for children of returned servicemen and women. The school is set in 1.8 acres of pleasant, well-maintained grounds in a quiet residential area in North Ryde. The school has a current student enrolment of 300 students which includes three multi-categorical support classes.  Evidence-based teaching methods and strategies are identified, promoted, and modeled to ensure that all students are engaged and challenged in their learning. A local, community school where lifelong friendships are made and learning for life is paramount. Within each student, the school instills pride in individual accomplishments and strong self-esteem, as reflected in our proud history and positive inclusive of service to the community.  We take pride in our school motto Quod Potui Perfeci or Always do your Best.

02 98781264
02 98785794
Truscott St
North Ryde
New South Wales
38 Truscott St
