reframingshakespeare - HAMLET

Incursion / Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago

Want a fresh way to study HAMLET? A team of young filmmakers is presenting their first filmed Shakespeare venture for free. Designed for easy use in classrooms, the film is a modern retelling in five parts, refocusing HAMLET on the journeys of the younger characters. Check out the film and educational resources online at

Want a fresh way to study HAMLET?

With a passion for stories and education, a team of young filmmakers present their first filmed Shakespeare venture for free, and want to hear from you.

Designed for easy use in classrooms, the film is in five parts, each under twenty minutes long, refocusing HAMLET on the journeys of the younger characters with dynamic pace.

Like an MTV version of the story, it engages and encourages students to read and re-read the scenes, to fill in the gaps and uncover new meaning, guided by our online education resources.

Made with a sense of fun, a love of Shakespeare and a desire to give students the chance to experience a youthful and modern retelling of the classic play.


