Queanbeyan East Public School

School / Last updated 5 years, 2 months ago

Queanbeyan East Public School is a P1 school in the Queanbeyan Network of Schools with a current enrolment of 266 students K-6, including 12% Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and 25% EAL/D. Queanbeyan East Public School is located on the border of NSW and the ACT, near Canberra. The school is only 8km from Canberra International airport and is only a short drive to the Snowy Mountains or to the South Coast. The culture and climate of the school is characterised by a strong sense of pride, open communication and a strong commitment to working as a supportive, positive, cohesive team reflecting on our practice. The school values diversity, opportunity and high quality innovative teaching and learning practice. A major upgrade is in progress at Queanbeyan East Public School to cater to the current and projected growth in the area. New classrooms, library, performing arts and maker spaces will be based on future-focused learning models with collaborative and flexible learning spaces. Construction includes a new canteen and COLA area and upgrades to playgrounds. The school has a strong emphasis on literacy, numeracy, the performing arts, student wellbeing, technology and sport. Teachers work collaboratively to implement a range of school programs such as L3 (Language, Learning and Literacy) and TEN (Targeted Early Numeracy). The school has a Multi-Categorical Class and promotes the integration and inclusion of students with special needs, encouraging students to participate in all aspects of school life. The school is strongly supported by engaged and active Parents and Citizens’ Association. The school has a partnership agreement with the Queanbeyan Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG). Our school is an active member of the Ningimurra Community of Schools. The school has a high priority on building and maintaining positive and caring relationships between staff, students, parents and the broader community.

02 62972619
02 62994128
Thurralilly St
New South Wales
PO Box 562
