Ocean Life Education offers a range of interactive live marine animal incursions for schools. Live animals and lively, qualified marine educators bring curriculum learning to life, covering themes such as habitats, life cycles, human impact, classification, adaptation and sharks.
These fascinating incursions are supported by quality teaching resources – videos, activities, worksheets and more – to support teachers pre- and post-visit.
Ocean Life Education also recently launched two online courses - Amazing Sharks and Humpback Whales which cover a range of primary themes and provide resources for teachers.
Our aim is to educate and inspire students to want to protect our precious ocean
Ocean Life Education has been providing children’s education and activities since 2006.
We will imprint in every Australian a sense of ownership and protectiveness of our oceans, and together we will lead the world in the changes necessary for a healthy planet.
‘Fantastic way to get students engaged in Marine Ecosystems’ ‘gain insight into human environmental impacts’ ‘loved looking and touching the marine animals’