North Kellyville Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 6 months ago

North Kellyville Public School is a new school on Hezlett Road, Kellyville with 380 students including 21 students in multicategorical support classes. 69% of students are from language backgrounds other than English. The school site features modern teaching and learning facilities while the pedagogical focus is on developing creative and critical thinkers capable of deep inquiry. Student learning is supported by a technology-rich environment. There is no current Annual Report. The 2019-2020 School Plan focuses on data informed practice, student wellbeing and future focused learning. The school environment is continually evolving with growing enrolments, recruitment of personnel, development of procedures and collaborative visioning processes. North Kellyville Public School is part of the Kellyville Community of Schools.

Hezlett Road
New South Wales
Hezlett Road
Kellyville, New South Wales, Australia
