Mount Keira Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 2 months ago

Mount Keira Demonstration School has approximately 90 students, 1% identifying as having Aboriginal heritage. We are highly acclaimed for the excellence of our academic and extra–curricular programs. This is the result of the outstanding work ethic of our staff, a strong focus on professional learning, and a history of quality strategic planning.

The school prides itself on providing a welcoming, nurturing and supportive environment for all of our children and families. Our school motto is “Learning and Caring”. The achievement of learning outcomes in all curriculum areas is underpinned by the pursuit of academic excellence in English and mathematics, the provision of quality extra–curricular opportunities, and a commitment to evidence based teaching practices. In order to achieve our schools strategic plan, leadership development at all levels is an ongoing priority. The elements of quality teaching and inquiry–based learning principles are embedded into our teaching and learning practices. Student learning is showcased each term through the completion of Rich Tasks. Our school treasures our passionate and supportive wider community–encompassing our P & C, broad parent body and local community members, including local Aboriginal members. Our parent body is highly engaged in and supportive of their child’s education.

At Mount Keira we are very proud of our students who display excellence in a variety of academic, sporting, creative and environmental school and community endeavours. Students are constantly encouraged to explore, extend, be challenged and do their very best. It is our engaged and motivated learners, committed and compassionate staff and supportive and active wider community that ensures Mount Keira Demonstration School delivers high quality teaching and learning programs in a warm and supportive learning environment.

255 Mount Keira Rd
Mount Keira
New South Wales
255 Mount Keira Rd
Mount Keira, New South Wales, Australia
