Jannali East Public School

School / Last updated 2 years, 6 months ago

Jannali East Public School is located in the Sutherland Shire and has a "country school in the city" feel. The school has a current enrolment of 358 students. There are 14 classes and students come from diverse socio-economic and cultural backgrounds. Approximately 2% of students come from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background, and 16% of students come from a background where English is the second language or dialect. Genuine collaboration and collegiality are highly valued and key factors contributing to our school's success and positive learning environment that meets the needs of all students. The school is fortunate to be well supported by an active School Council and Parents and Citizens Association who focus on bringing our families together and all work to promote a sense of community. Student wellbeing and Positive Behaviour for Learning is central to all decision-making, with respectful relationships forming the foundation of our school. Current priorities include literacy and numeracy excellence, innovative teaching, student wellbeing and strengthening our positive, inclusive culture. A number of extra-curricular opportunities are offered in band, the creative and performing arts, technology, media, and sports.​

02 95288101
02 95282207
500 Box Rd
New South Wales
500 Box Rd
