Vision Statement
The History Teachers' Association of Victoria is a dynamic professional organisation committed to nurturing and leading History education.
The HTAV will achieve these goals by:
- Supporting the development of a professional community of teachers, historians and other educators committed to the craft and standards of History education;
- Fostering the dialogue between the past, the present and the future with students, teachers, historians, other educators and the wider community;
- Providing professional learning for teachers of History;
- Developing resources to facilitate the teaching and learning of History;
- Establishing connections between the classroom, the school, universities, cultural institutions and the wider community for the advancement of History education.
The Association has two ongoing publications: Agora, the triannual journal, available electronically and in hard-copy, and the Member Bulletin, an electronic newsletter. Both publications provide members with the latest information relevant to the teaching of history. Membership of the HTAV is highly recommended and a great way to keep up to date with professional development.
Suite 105, 134-136 Cambridge Street