Ellison Public School

School / Last updated 2 years, 7 months ago

Ellison Public School, situated in the Blue Mountains, provides a nurturing and supportive learning environment for all students. Our school has a current enrolment of 308 with 4.5% of the student population identifying as Aboriginal. School staff value their strong partnership between staff, parents and the community. Our dynamic staff are highly experienced and committed to supporting all students to learn, succeed and thrive. Our school's extensive grounds  consist of a yarning circle and a range of play areas. Our school takes great pride in providing an environment for each student to explore their learning potential and promotes high expectations. Ellison Public School is a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school and students contribute to developing a respectful and safe learning culture. Students are encouraged to participate in the extensive range of extra-curricular programs covering the areas of academia, sport, public speaking, debating, the arts, and student leadership. Ellison students participate enthusiastically in Film By The Eucalypts, a short film festival of the best movies by young school students, held annually. Ellison Public School maintains strong links to neighbouring schools,  working collaboratively with the Mid Mountains Learning Community. There is a high degree of family and community involvement across all activities, and an active and engaged P & C which supports the school.

02 47515099
02 47514022
Ellison Rd
New South Wales
89-91 Hawkesbury Rd
