Early Learning Association Australia (ELAA)

Resource provider / Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago

ELAA is the peak organisation representing the voice of parents and service providers working to deliver high quality early learning programs to all children. At ELAA we are passionate about the importance of high quality, affordable and accessible early childhood education and care services.

Our members represent over 1200 early childhood education and care providers including independent kindergartens, cluster managers, long day care services, integrated services, local governments and privately-owned early childhood education and care services.

For more than 20 years, ELAA has worked with members, peak bodies and other key stakeholders to ensure the provision of high quality, affordable and accessible early childhood education services.

Our strong relationships with both state and federal governments makes us an effective voice for the sector and ensures that services are funded to deliver high quality early childhood education and care to all children that is accountable to the community and can be sustainable in the future.

Our training and advisory services also help members meet the challenges of a changing sector, providing information about requirements under the National Quality Framework, Universal Access and the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework.

Our advisory service responds to more than 13,000 member phone calls and emails annually – providing advice and support on a wide range of issues from industrial relations and employer services to all aspects of governance.

(03) 9489 3500
(03) 9486 4226
Level 3, 145 Smith Street, Fitzroy, Vic
