Muswellbrook Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 5 months ago

Muswellbrook Public School has an enrolment of 555 students, of which 15% are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, served by approximately 60 teaching, administration and support staff.

The school is well-respected within the local community, serving a diverse range of socio-economic circumstances. The school is a proud member of the Muswellbrook Learning Community as well as the Upper Hunter Network.

The school continues to deliver quality teaching and learning programs in a 21st century environment, in order to improve student outcomes in literacy, numeracy and engagement. The school also provides a broad range of extra curricula opportunities such as performing arts, cultural, leadership, sporting and environmental pursuits.

Muswellbrook Public School is characterised by motivated and enthusiastic students, highly qualified and dedicated staff, as well as fantastic parental and community support. The school maximises parent participation via the P&C and AECG, as well as the general life and management of the school.  The school also builds strong links with the wider school community.
02 65432289
02 65433378
3-9 Roger St
New South Wales
3-9 Roger St
