Volunteering information guide and activities for high school.

Resource Description
Your VCE VM, Pathways and Work Education students will love learning how to be a volunteer with this new resource pack to support high school students build independent skills through volunteering. You can use the volunteering printables as part of a careers program, or introduce the reading, writing and speaking texts within your ELA or Language class. Volunteering is an important part of work readiness, providing opportunities to learn about researching roles, applying for a position, succeeding on the job and reflecting on what has been learnt. Students who include being a volunteer on their resume are often more likely to succeed in finding a first job because they can show they have experience in a workplace and can demonstrate employability skills.
Who is it for?
- VCE VM and Pathways
- Career Education
What to do:
You can use this pack to support your own curriculum activities for volunteering, within your careers or work experience program. Use the printables individually or as a sequence to teach students about:
•Planning an activity
•Researching information online
•Writing and drawing ideas and key information
•Building work related vocabulary
•Developing written and verbal communication skills
•Using appropriate social skills to interact with others in the workplace
•Working safely
•Understanding the volunteer role in a workplace
•Reflecting on an experience and learning from it
Terms of use
You may use this resource with your own students or caseload. Please do not share with other teachers or trainers and do not upload the resource onto a share drive or social media platform. Please respect the rights of the artists whose work has been included in this resource.
Additional needs and print options
If you require an editable version without the clipart and formatting, please contact us at realworldeducationresources@gmail.com