VCE VM Numeracy Personal Finances and Budgeting

Resource Description
Financial skills are vital for a successful transition from a school setting to the adult world. Young people who have a good understanding of how to manage their own money, make a budget and solve financial literacy problems are less likely to find themselves in debt or unable to pay for the things they really need in life.
This personal finances pack has been written to complement your existing program or class. It provides clear, easy to templates and printables that can be used in class by students. The pages include activities for individual students as well as paired tasks, and encourage students to think about their own financial skills and knowledge as well as how they can apply their learning to simple case studies and examples.
The pack includes 14 printable pages that are suited to teens and young adults. The language is clear, simple and direct and age appropriate and engaging for young people. It is ideal for using with programs and classes such as:
- Personal Finance
- Life Skills
- Transition Education
- Work Education
- Foundation Skills Numeracy
- Certificate in General Education for Adults (CGEA)
If you teach a personal finance or numeracy unit for teens, this pack is ideal for building skills and consolidating key concepts. It includes printable pages on:
personal finances vocabulary and key concepts
- expenses
- income
- guess the price activity
- savings plans
- making a personal budget
- budget problem solving
- needs versus wants
- financial advice for a friend
Terms of use
Printables can be reproduced for use by your own class or group. Please do not sell, share or redistribute the pages and do not place them into a share drive for access by others.
Clipart is by pigknit