Resumes with employability skills task cards and activities

Resource Description
Do your Transition Education, Vocational and Careers students struggle to write a resume that uses employability skills to reach potential employers? Do they know what they want to say in a job application but don't use the power words that will engage their reader? Many young people need a resume to apply for part time work or to participate in work experience. Now is a great time to start working on resumes that stand out from the crowd and give your students the best chance of success.
This resource pack is a step by step action plan to guide your students through writing sentences in their resume that will be certain to reach an employer - and help them land a great job!
What's inside?
- Instruction guide
- 20 task cards with questions to prompt thinking about interests and activities
- 16 task cards with key employability skills words and definitions
- 32 task cards with sample resume sentences that students can make their own
- 1 action plan printable for students to use to bring all their ideas together
What to do
- Show a sample job advertisement to the whole class and highlight key employability skills words in the advertisement. Talk about the process of applying for a job.
- Use the interests cards to encourage students to talk and think about their activities and experiences within and outside of school. This is great as a pairs activity!
- Share the employability skills task words cards and discuss what they mean
- Use the sample resume sentences to show how employability skills link with activities and experiences. Work individually to make these sentences their own.
- Use the action plan to bring everything together to develop final sentences for resumes that can be used to apply for a real job advertisement