Professional learning: Improving the use of research evidence in Australian schools

Category Presentation
Subjects & Topics "Pedagogy and professional development / Education research", "Pedagogy and professional development / Theories of teaching and learning", "Pedagogy and professional development", "Pedagogy and professional development / Classroom practice"
Year Levels Foundation, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Higher Education
Product Rating
1 votes

Resource Description

Are you a teacher or school leader who wants to use research to improve practice in your school? Hear from three educators who learned how to find, evaluate and use research evidence in their work.

Educators are increasingly looking to use research evidence to support their practice. This teacher professional development session has been designed by academic experts from Monash University’s Q Project, a 5 year research project investigating how research evidence is used in schools. The Q Project also provides support and resources for educators to better use research evidence in their practice.

This recorded presentation showcases examples from three educators from different states and settings who have worked with the Q Project to develop their knowledge, skills and confidence in finding, evaluating and using quality research evidence to address a particular challenge or improvement priority. In the presentation, these teachers and school leaders reflect on how they have used the Q Project’s short coursesresources and tools to assist them to use research well in their practice.

  • Files included (2)

PL Intro Flyer _QProject Landscape_Update_v6 (1).pdf
pdf, 687.1 KB
Webinar Launch of An Introduction to Using Research to Inform Educational Practice
Embedded media
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