People in primary industries

Category Activity
Subjects & Topics "Citizenship / Community, identity and diversity", "Cross-curricular topics / Community", "Cross-curricular topics / Farm", "Cross-curricular topics / Food", "Cross-curricular topics / Transport", "Understanding the world", "Understanding the world / People and communities", "Understanding the world / People who help us", "Understanding the world / Where we live"
Year Levels Foundation, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
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Resource Description

Consider the different roles involved in primary industries in Australia
using the set of Lego characters. The associated activities are aimed at helping students appreciate how broad and valuable Australian primary industries to their everyday life. Students will learn that many people in different parts of the country, from rural areas to cities, play their part in food and fibre production.The activities can be used for students working towards syllabus outcomes from Early Stage 1 to 3 Science and Technology, Geography, History as well as a range of outcomes from the English, Maths and Arts syllabuses.

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