Live Export Lesson Plan - The Power of the Picture - Visual Arts Year 10

Resource Description
In this lesson, students will investigate the power of art to spark social discussion and enact change. Through an analysis of four prominent artworks, students will investigate how sheep have been portrayed and represented through the ages, from early religious Dutch works, to 21st Century installations. Students will be asked to reflect on the treatment of sheep within the live export industry and consider how they have been represented visually within the Voiceless resources. This lesson involves visual and critical analysis in addition to a practical task.
This lesson includes:
- Australian Curriculum Alignment;
- Lesson plans for Year 10 Visual Arts;
- Live Export accompanying resources;
- Teacher Guide;
- Glossary and Quiz;
- Animal Protection Encyclopedia.
Access the accompanying Live Export resources for this lesson here:
Explore the other Voiceless Animal Protection Education toolkits here:
This Australian Curriculum alignment statement is based on the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) materials, which are licensed under CC BY 4.0. The material has been modified from the Australian Curriculum website (accessed January 2020).
All activities have been created by educators for educators and are linked to the Australian Curriculum (Version 8.4). We advise teachers to consult the ACARA website for the most up-to-date curriculum outcomes.