Life Skills Cooking with Simple Recipes

Resource Description
Learning to cook is an important life skill and is one which will help young people to thrive independently when they are adults. This recipe pack contains 15 simple, easy to prepare meals and snacks which are suitable for a school classroom or food skills class with young people in a life skills or transition class. It also includes a teacher page about food preferences and a quick reference page to show how each recipe is rated according to gluten free, dairy free and vegetarian. There is a student page about good food handling and hygiene that can be used to build skills and knowledge during cooking sessions.
The recipes have been designed to support the particular needs of teen or adult students who have additional learning needs:
- The recipes include a small number of familiar ingredients
- Recipes are marked to indicate if they are gluten free, vegetarian or dairy free
- Recipes are written using easy to read text with check boxes so that each ingredient or step can be ticked or colored in as it is completed
- Many of the recipes can be easily adapted to suit particular food needs or preferences
- The requirements of young people who have sensory, texture or flavour requirements are understood and accepted positively
- Recipes have been styled to be visually appealing but also respectful for students who are teen or adult age
Each recipe includes a list of ingredients, a list of utensils, a simple method and a safety tip. It is vital that you ensure each student is appropriately supervised and supported during cooking activities so that they are safe and the food they prepare is safe to eat.