Humanity 4 Hip Hop
Resource Description
This website is a FREE non-profit Resource which features a collection of songs, interviews, lesson plans, websites, speeches, and like-minded links which focus on using Hip-Hop to teach English, Media Studies, Social Sciences, and Health. It is designed with Collaboration in mind so please share your experiences and tips in the comments section on each Resource or send in any Resources you think are appropriate via the 'Submissions' Tab.
Each is graded according to offence level, has a blurb which describes its possible application, links to lyrics, and embedded video content.
For the as-yet unconvinced it also has a range of information on how and why Hip-Hop can be a fantastic teaching tool; especially, when trying to engage at risk students.
If you are new to the site, begin at the 'Welcome' Tab which explains how to get the most from it.