Be an effective volunteer learner guide and supporting activities CHCVOL001

Resource Description
Your vocational, career preparation, work education and transition education students will love using the effective volunteering learner guide, slideshows and assessment tasks that are included with CHCVOL001 Be an effective volunteer.
CHCVOL001 is a unit which is included in a number of qualifications at the Certificate 1-3 level, and can also exist as a stand alone unit.
It is a unit within:
Certificate I in Active Volunteering
Certificate II in Active Volunteering
Certificate II in Community Services
Certificate II in Sport Coaching
Certificate III in Community Services
Students who undertake the unit complete 20 hours of volunteer placement at an organization or workplace, as part of a structured volunteer program. Skills can be demonstrated in a real workplace or a simulated workplace that reflects workplace conditions and uses suitable facilities, equipment and resources.
What is volunteering?
Volunteering is an important part of building skills and knowledge for the workplace, and it is a great way of meeting new people and contributing to the community. A volunteer is someone who gives their time and effort freely and willingly, without expecting or receiving payment in return. Volunteers work in many settings in the community, and do tasks that support organizations and workplaces. Volunteers may work in settings such as:
- beach, foreshore and coastal environments
- woodlands and forests
- community centres and neighbourhood houses
- food and community support settings
- training and support
- homework club
- gardening programs
- library and shelf stacking
- home visiting and social support
Volunteers are found in all sorts of locations in the community, doing many different jobs!
What's inside?
This unit teaches students to get ready for and participate in volunteering activities in their community.
It covers the following topics:
- Preparing for volunteer work
- Working as a volunteer
- Checking and completing work in consultation with a supervisor
- Communicating and collaborating with co-workers
- Managing time and tasks
- Understanding boundaries, roles, rights and responsibilities
- Using policies, procedures and codes to guide volunteer activities
- Reporting issues and problems
- Solving simple problems as a volunteer
- Completing simple forms
- Logbook pages for assessment during volunteer activities
- Questions to assess knowledge and performance criteria items
- Portfolio guide to record documents that are used for evidence
- Mapping document to map assessment activities to unit requirements
Here's what you receive:
Learner Guide (PDF) - 40 pages
Assessment tasks (PDF) - 3 tasks which cover the performance criteria, knowledge and performance evidence for the unit
Mapping (PDF) - maps the assessment tasks to the unit requirements
Volunteering slideshow - 30 slides
Workplace safety introduction slideshow - 51 slides with audio and activities
Task cards with scenarios - 16 cards
Terms of use
If you purchase a single copy of this resource for $65, you will receive the files listed above as a zip folder download. This allows you to print the learner guide and assessment documents and access the slideshows, task cards and activities. You can then use the learner guide and assessments with your own class of students, up to a total of 20 students for the purposes of teaching and assessing CHCVOL001. If you purchase a schools licence, you have access to the files to support students within your wider school community (20 + students).