A survival Kit for Substitute Teachers

Resource Description
Being a relief teacher and a substitute teacher can come with its own set of challenges. This Relief Teacher Survival Kit is your one-stop resource for handling a job assignment with confidence and ease! Your students will LOVE all of the easy-to-use activities and printables, too!
If you are just starting out in your teaching career, or if you need a spark of new ideas, this resource is jam-packed with activities you can use with your students. It includes hundreds of fun, authentic, and engaging activities that I have used with great success in my own classrooms throughout my teaching career.
If any teacher has ever relieved anotherteacher’s class, then they will have realised it is very different from having their own group of students and being well-prepared can make the day much less
stressful. Depending on the age group that you are making yourself available to teach this may specific grades or even K-12. Don’t totally rely on the class teacher to have work prepared for the class. You need to be completely prepared and flexible , just in case there are any last minute changes.
Even if work has been set for the class, you may need to access your knowledge of the internet to find some websites in a hurry that will reinforce and support the topic that you have been left to teach.
I have linked to hundreds of brilliant websites and activities that you can access by keeping this ebook on your thumb drive for easy access.
I began to build a resource kit for myself when I began casual teaching, and then I realised just how many ideas and activities I had been using over my 40 year teaching career. I have spent many hours
searching through websites, searching books for great ideas and activities.
I have now collected and compiled my book of activities and hints for casual
teachers ......A survival Kit to take with you when the phone rings, and you aren't sure what
to take with you.
The eBook can be used with any storage, to access when you need a quick activity or web link. Copyright is granted to print off 1 copy for personal classroom use. 111 pages
This amazing, one-stop resource has you covered in every area! It includes:
• Classroom Management Strategies for the Relief Teacher - Get control of your situation and classroom right away with these helpful strategies and tips.
• 5-10 Minute Time Fillers - 35 super-fun time fillers to use during those short periods of time throughout the day. Students LOVE these!
• Math Games - Keep your students practicing their math skills in a fun, interactive way.
• Writing and Literacy - If your class needs to work on their writing skills, they will enjoy the variety of these wonderful writing activities.
• Spelling Games - 17 spelling games at your fingertips!
• Games - These general games are great for indoor recess or during free time.
• Thinking Skills - 10 activities to increase higher-level thinking.
• Silly Songs - Traditional children's songs are a great way to break the ice with your students!
This resource truly has everything you need to start your day off well and to keep things running in a positive, organized manner as a relief teacher!
The key to feeling less stress and having more success as a substitute teacher is being organised and well-prepared. You can use this resource in one of two ways:
1) Access the PDF with clickable web links via your own device.
2) Print and bind the pages into a book format, which you can take with you to your various teaching assignments.
This click and go resource for teachers includes all the links you need to explore websites across the curriculum and to find further relevant websites and activities to use in your classroom. I've even included links to videos and music to accompany the songs!