Minister for Education Ben Carroll today announced the independent review, to be led by Think Forward Educators CEO Katie Roberts-Hull, and said it is an important process in addressing concerns about the scale and impact of administration in schools on the workload of both teachers and school leaders.

“School leaders, teachers and staff play a vital role in supporting young Victorians – while administration is a necessary part of their roles, we need to make sure they have as much time as possible time to teach and support students,” Carroll said.

The review will provide recommendations to Government on how to help schools and principals manage and reduce this work – building on more than $67 million the Labor Government already invested to reduce workload for principals, teachers and school staff.

Carroll said Roberts-Hull was a fitting choice for the task force.

“Ms Roberts-Hull is uniquely suitable to lead the review due to her combination of public policy and education expertise, her experience as a former teacher, and her independence from government,” he said.

Roberts-Hull will be supported in her role by an expert Reference Group of current principals, teachers, business managers and school support staff.

Peak principal organisations and unions, including the Australian Education Union, will also play a key role in contributing to the review.

“I look forward to leading this important independent review to help schools address the compliance burden they face so that they can focus on educating our students,” Roberts-Hull said in a statement.

Carroll said reducing the workload on teachers and school leaders associated with administrative and compliance activities is critical in freeing up Victoria's schools to focus on teaching and learning.

The review has already commenced and is expected to provide a final report to the Minister by December.