Roadmap to Adaptive Learning in the Wake of COVID-19
Community contribution / April 23, 2021

For years researchers have spoken about the importance of a data-driven and non-linear approach, in some cases, to educational instruction and remediation. Otherwise known as adaptive learning, the benefits of this approach are endless. It allows for personalized learning pathways for students, leading to greater student engagement and positive academic outcomes.

School news / How parental identity shapes education spending, challenges cultural stereotypes

How much parents spend on their children’s education has a big impact on family well-being and a country’s overall development. While past studies suggested that ethnic and racial backgrounds affect this spending, they lacked solid experimental pr...

School news / Fact or fiction? Teaching kids better sleeping habits the stuff of fairytales

Some traditional fairy tales and classic children’s fiction that have soothed many a child to sleep may also provide accessible and engaging ways to discuss healthy sleep with children, researchers in the Christmas issue of The BMJ suggest.

School news / Adolescents experiencing depression or anxiety at unprecedented levels: new research

Around three-out-of-four adolescents in Australia experience clinically significant depression or anxiety symptoms, with most being chronic, according to a new study.

School news / ‘Treat us like humans’: alarming rise in out-of-home care kids

The number of vulnerable children in “substandard” residential care is rising in Australia’s worst-hit state, causing a $500 million budget blowout.

School news / New project boosts confidence in teaching at-risk youth about sexual consent

The Consent Matters pilot project led by Sexual Health Victoria and Women’s Health in the South East is helping thousands of youths outside the mainstream education system understand affirmative consent, as highlighted by an evaluation report rele...

School news / New program to improve young people’s social media literacy and self-compassion

A pilot evaluation of the first evidence-informed, strength based, digital eLearning program developed for Australian secondary schools to support body image and online safety of young people, has shown significant benefits of the program for stud...

School news / Global prize summit explores ways to strengthen learner and educator resilience

This year’s Yidan Prize Summit in Hong Kong has offered a robust platform for education leaders, researchers, policymakers and philanthropists globally to exchange ideas on innovative means to build resilience in a fast-changing world.

Opinion / Emotional intelligence: a fundamental tool for all school leaders

​It has been many years now since renowned psychologist and journalist Daniel Goleman first began writing about emotional intelligence.

Leadership / The link between self-regulation and academic success: ground-breaking new study

Self-regulation, the ability to manage your own thoughts, emotions and behaviour, begins to develop in the preschool years and its impact is felt well into adult life.

School news / ‘It’s the worst feeling’ – young New Zealanders regret their vaping addictions but feel unsupported to quit

Vaping rates among young people continue to be a major public health concern, both in Aotearoa New Zealand and elsewhere.
