Ministers from Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory have joined the Australian Education Union (AEU), state presidents, Public Education Association leaders, public school principals, teachers, parents and students at Parliament House to call on the Albanese Government to commit to their promise of full funding for every child in Australia by increasing its offer (Schooling Resource Standard SRS share) from 22.5 per cent to 25 per cent.

The AEU said it is this commitment that is needed to close the inequality gaps experienced by Australia’s students.

AEU federal president, Correna Haythorpe said the joining of forces is a momentous event in the For Every Child campaign and signals the significance and urgency of full funding for public schools.

“This is the moment in history that the Albanese Government can finally deliver on the promise, made over a decade ago to Australia’s public school students, that their schools and their education would be fully funded,” Haythorpe said.

“We are joined today by senior secondary students who are part of the generation that has been denied full funding for their schools. We are also joined by teachers and parents, who will tell their stories of why full funding matters for public schools and why it is life changing for students and their communities.”

“We will be distributing a book of stories from the field, from teachers, parents and community members to all Federal Parliamentarians, because they need to hear why this is important firsthand and that is why we have installed a giant story book at Parliament House.”

It comes as two states, NSW and Victoria, take their campaign directly to Labor MPs, writing to remind them education is a cornerstone of Labor values.

Letters from NSW and Victoria’s education ministers, Prue Car and Ben Carroll, were sent to more than 50 MPs and senators this week urging them to increase their contribution.

In a statement, NSW Deputy Premier and Education Minister Prue Car said her state is currently facing a 5 per cent funding gap which puts NSW public school students $1000 behind the starting line.

“Education is a cornerstone of Labor Governments, and it should be delivered equitably, with no child left behind,” she said.

Car said that it is important that every member of Parliament has all the facts in front of them and that is why her department has written to them and why I she was in Canberra to get that message across.

“I can’t look parents and students in the eye unless I can say that I have done everything I can to get the best possible deal for our kids,” she said.

“I will not sign any agreement that shortchanges NSW public schools.”

Victorian Minister for Education Ben Carroll, meanwhile,said he was in Canberra asking the Commonwealth Government to rethink its priorities and deliver fair and full funding for public school students in his state.

“... we’re standing with our state colleagues to fight for a better deal that won’t leave Government school students and staff behind,” he said in a statement.

South Australia’s Education Minister, Blair Boyer and Queensland’s Education Minster, Di Farmer have also joined the fight.

Boyer said state and territory governments run schools and are best positioned to determine what families, students and teachers need in classrooms.

“In South Australia, the five per cent is worth as much as $190m of extra funding for public schools every single year,” he said.

“That would go directly into school supports so that teachers have the time, resources and support to help students achieve the best academic outcomes.”