So, in an effort to equip the next generation of New Zealanders with the ability to spot fraud and scams, ASB has launched a free ScamWise workshop for schools.

Aimed at pupils in Years 7 and 8, the module focuses on digital safety and red flags to be aware of, and is taught by specially trained facilitators as part of ASB’s GetWise financial literacy programme.

ASB Executive General Manager Technology David Bullock says raising awareness of fraud and scams in this age group is important, particularly with the prevalence of social media and online gaming.

“A lot of kids in this age group are active online and growing up with social media, but often don’t know how to protect themselves and their information.

“They might be in the initial stages of digital and financial independence, and we want to make sure we’re helping them with ways to recognise and navigate the all-too-common reality of scams,” Bullock says.

“With the increasing use of games where you can pay to upgrade, skip levels or unlock special features, for example, it’s important that young people are aware of potential risks and what to look out for.

“Scammers don’t discriminate and they can be very convincing, but teaching some of the basics can make a big difference.”

Since 2010, ASB GetWise has reached more than 1.3 million students across the country, teaching financial literacy and money management skills.

The new fraud and scams module was developed as an addition to the programme and uses the same fun and interactive teaching style.

“Kids often go home and tell their family about what they’ve learned at school and we hope this will be something they might share around the dinner table so it raises broader awareness in the community,” Bullock says.

“We know scams can happen to anyone, anywhere and we need everyone to play a role in helping to keep themselves safe.”