A Canberra teenage girl's sketch has taken the place of Google's multicoloured logo for Australia Day.
SYDNEY, Jan 26 - Sixteen-year-old Ineka Voigt, from Canberra High School, beat 26,000 other students from around Australia in the ...
Australia is one step closer to a social media ban for children under 14.
The Queensland Government is investing an additional $71 million as part of its teacher attraction, recruitment and retention plan.
Australian school leaders looking for guidance on how to lead a classroom behaviour revolution at their school are in luck, with a new suite of resources designed to tackle low-level disruptive behaviours and student disengagement now freely avail...
There’s no way to escape it or avoid it - Australia is a nation of gamers, with primary and secondary students leading the way.
Young people who vape perform worse than non-vapers in tests designed to measure their capacity for exercise, according to a new study.
More than half of private schools in Australia now receive more combined state and federal government funding per student than public schools of similar size, location and with similar student needs, according to a new study.
Scant, tokenistic and ‘tick-boxy’ is how secondary teacher Jen Sonter describes the inclusion of women in the NSW history syllabus.
Many young girls lack even a basic understanding of anatomy, ovulation and menstruation, a startling new study has revealed.
Minister of Education Erica Stanford has proposed shifting the oversight of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) in New Zealand from the Teaching Council to the Ministry of Education, but unions have warned this would amount to political interference.
Burnt out and worn down mid-career teachers are the most likely cohort planning to quit the profession or be weighing up their future in teaching, a new Victorian study has indicated.