02 4832 1421
About this job
Position Information
Crookwell High school is a comprehensive rural high school with strong connections to our local community. It is situated in fertile pastoral country approximately 2.5 hours south west of Sydney, at an elevation of 887 metres. The school population is approximately 195 Students (15 students identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and 3 students from a non-English speaking background) and 34 teaching and support staff, with one Multi-Categorical class. Our student leadership teams include our School Captains and Prefects, Sporting House Captains and Student Representative Council. Our local area has a population of approximately 3100 people, with Agriculture being a predominate employment source. Our local community is a very strong supporter of our youth, with many students moving into local employment. Our Year 12 leavers are generally split with 55% going into full-time employment and vocational training, and 45% into tertiary study. Sport and community service are strong motivators for our student body, as well as educational aspirations into rural industries. We are recognised as a Centre for STEM Excellence as well as for our achievements in supporting wellbeing and positive education.
Specific Selection Criteria
Approval to teach Industrial Technology Timber, Industrial Technology Metal and Technology Mandatory.
Willingness to contribute to faculty and whole school programs.
An unconditional full approval to teach is a requirement. If you do not hold a full approval to teach with the NSW Department of Education, you are required to commence the application process at the same time as you apply for this teaching opportunity.
Special Notes
Applicants are to include details of their WWCC clearance number as part of this application.
About the NSW Department of Education
The Department of Education is the largest provider of public education in Australia with responsibility for delivering high-quality public education to two-thirds of the NSW student population. We welcome applications from all ages and genders, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, culturally and linguistically diverse groups, the LGBTQIA+ community, veterans, refugees and people with disability. If we can make some adjustments to our recruitment/interview process to better enable you to shine, please contact the Diversity and Inclusion Team (dandi@det.nsw.edu.au) or visit NSW Department of Education Diversity and Inclusion
New merit selection application guidelines for classroom teachers, executives and principals have been introduced to provide greater clarity to applicants and selection panels. The guidelines are located here. To ensure that your application complies with the guideline page limits, your attachments must be in PDF format.