02 6352 1422
About this job
Position Information
Lithgow High School is a Department of Education High Potential Gifted Education Partner high school, located on the eastern boundary of the Lithgow Network and on the Western slopes of the Blue Mountains, the gateway to the Central West. The student population of approximately 750 is reflective of an evolving and diverse community. We have a strong representation of First Nations students, approximately 26% of the school, and a small but growing Multicultural and EAL/D component.
Our school is nestled in a heritage listed area with important links of historical significance. We have a strong culture of sporting, academic, and community links, and our students participate in a wide range of learning experiences in the pursuit of their personal excellence.
The Special Education Unit is comprised of 12 classes, themed and strongly supported by the Deputy Principal Inclusion and Support, with a Flexible Learning Centre scheduled for construction from June 2025. We also have our award-winning Wellbeing Centre and a unique Wellbeing Hub meeting the needs of all our students.
Lithgow High School is currently undergoing executive restructuring, curriculum redesign and cohort redevelopment around HPGE enrichment streaming, piloting the fast-tracked Future Skills HSC, and future-proof upskilling of student skillsets in Project Management and the General Capabilities.
It is a pivotal and exciting time to join our school community.
Specific Selection Criteria
- Approval to teach special education and/or experience in teaching students with Autism (Secondary), Behaviour Difficulties, Mild Intellectual Disabilities, Moderate Intellectual Disabilities and Emotional Disturbance.
- Commitment to whole-school wellbeing programs, with a strong emphasis on trauma-informed practices, ability to manage students with complex mental health, behaviour difficulties and emotional disturbance.
- Demonstrated ability to design and teach quality, differentiated educational programs, and develop Individual Education Plans.
- Highly developed communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to work collaboratively, proactively and professionally with colleagues, parents and carers, SLSO staff, support agencies and the wider community.
- Capacity to collaborate, liaise and negotiate with key stakeholders to support and develop a school culture focused on engaging and improving outcomes for Aboriginal students
An unconditional full approval to teach is a requirement. If you do not hold a full approval to teach with the NSW Department of Education, you are required to commence the application process at the same time as you apply for this teaching opportunity.
Special Notes
This advertisement is for two classroom teacher positions.
Applicants are to include details of their WWCC clearance number as part of this application.
About the NSW Department of Education
The Department of Education is the largest provider of public education in Australia with responsibility for delivering high-quality public education to two-thirds of the NSW student population. We welcome applications from all ages and genders, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, culturally and linguistically diverse groups, the LGBTQIA+ community, veterans, refugees and people with disability. If we can make some adjustments to our recruitment/interview process to better enable you to shine, please contact the Diversity and Inclusion Team (dandi@det.nsw.edu.au) or visit NSW Department of Education Diversity and Inclusion
New merit selection application guidelines for classroom teachers, executives and principals have been introduced to provide greater clarity to applicants and selection panels. The guidelines are located here. To ensure that your application complies with the guideline page limits, your attachments must be in PDF format.