02 8373 317
About this job
Emanuel School is looking for a Specialist Teacher – Learning Differences & Disabilities (7-12) to join our Specialist Learning Centre. This is a part-time (0.6FTE over 4-5 days), permanent position. This position is available immediately. We are looking for someone with a proven record of working collaboratively with teachers to support students who require additional support in High School Maths and Literacy.
At Emanuel School, we don’t simply offer ‘learning support’. Our classroom teachers collaborate with specialist teachers to seek to ensure that students with learning differences, difficulties and disabilities flourish within the School to best effect, using targeted, research based teaching techniques.
Reporting to the Head of the Specialist Learning Centre (High School), the successful candidate will be responsible for collaborating effectively with teachers across the High School in curriculum planning, team-teaching, delivery, and assessment of progress for those students with learning differences. They will be expected to develop, deliver, and assess learning programs that address a range of learning differences, difficulties, disabilities, and needs related to Years 7-12 students and report on these in a timely manner. The role will see you working with students in classrooms, small groups, and one-on-one settings to help them reach their academic and social emotional goals.
About the Successful Applicant
The successful applicant will be a suitably qualified High School teacher with both tertiary qualifications in teaching and in aspects of specialised/additional needs, particularly with students who are generally high functioning. Related experience in teaching students with learning differences and disabilities that affect their access to the curriculum in a mainstream environment is essential. These include Dyslexia and other language disorders, ADHD, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Autism Spectrum Disorder and hearing and sight impairments.
The successful applicant must also hold a current Working With Children Check.
To review the full job description, visit our website at https://www.emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au/about-our-school/employment/
About Our School
Emanuel is an independent, co-educational, Jewish day school from Pre-school to Year 12, situated in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney.
We are a Jewish School, though you do not need to be Jewish to join our team.
Emanuel School is committed to providing co-educational excellence in a Pre-school to Year 12 continuum. We value the individuality of all students and encourage the development of their special interests and talents. Our objective is to extend our students to the best of their ability, and to foster a love of learning, a strong sense of community and a pride in their Jewish heritage.
Emanuel School is small enough to provide an individual, nurturing environment and large enough to provide a wide range of subjects and opportunities for our students. Emanuel School is a dynamic learning community within an intimate learning environment delivering strong academic outcomes.
You can learn more about Emanuel School via our website www.emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au
Why work at Emanuel?
Emanuel School has been recognised as a 5-Star Employer of Choice by The Educator magazine. This prestigious award is testament to the fact that, by working at Emanuel you will become part of a community that is supportive, caring and respectful.
We know that you are not just looking for a job, but a place to grow, develop and shine. We also know that while do we offer a salary above the Multi-Enterprise Agreement level, you’re looking for more than just money.
We also know that your work:life balance is important to you. At Emanuel, not only do teachers (0.8FTE and above) have weekly ‘Do Not Disturb’ periods, they also won’t be asked to participate in weekend sport.
When you join our team, you can also expect:
- professional development and leadership opportunities to help develop your mind, spirit and being.
- additional leave for Jewish High Holidays. In 2025, this will be an extra six days of paid leave during term time.
- a comprehensive staff wellbeing program, including access to the School's gym and weekly staff fitness sessions with a qualified trainer and optional annual flu shots.
- access to up to four confidential counselling sessions for yourself and immediate family each year via our EAP provider.
- time to get to know each other, with events and activities planned by our Social Committee.
- where applicable, discounted school fees to staff who have children enrolled at our School.
Emanuel School is a diverse and inclusive workplace, and we encourage people from all religions and backgrounds to join our team.
How to Apply
Send your application to recruitment@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au. All applications should include a cover letter.
Applications close: Wednesday 26 March 2025.
We encourage you to get your application in early. We reserve the right to interview applicants and make an appointment prior to the closing date.
Emanuel seeks to be a child safe school
Emanuel School is committed to promoting the safety, welfare, and wellbeing of our students as our paramount priority. We seek to maintain a preventative, proactive and participatory approach to child safety, promoting student voice and agency.
Emanuel School has zero tolerance for child abuse and has established systems and policies to protect children, while in the School’s care, from abuse and to promote physical, emotional, and cyber safety. The protection and wellbeing of students is the responsibility of all members of the Emanuel School community, and encompasses:
- a duty of care to ensure that reasonable steps are taken to prevent harm to students which could reasonably have been foreseen
- obligations under child protection legislation.
Emanuel School welcomes and celebrates diversity and remains committed to promoting the safety of every child.