About this job
The Early Childhood Practicum Placement Grant (ECPPG) offers up to $5,000 in financial support to students studying an ACECQA approved early childhood undergraduate degree or postgraduate qualification on completion of the final practicum placement of their qualification between 1 July 2024 to 31 December 2024, in an eligible early childhood education and care (ECEC) service.
Eligibility criteria
You are eligible to apply for the ECPPG if:
- you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident and
- you are a Queensland resident or reside in a location bordering Queensland and
- you were a student enrolled in an ACECQA approved early childhood undergraduate degree (e.g. Bachelor) or postgraduate qualification (Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Masters) and
- you completed 15 consecutive days* of final practicum placement during 1 July 2024 to 31 December 2024, in a Queensland ECEC service that delivers an approved kindergarten program (e.g. a long day care service or sessional kindergarten service).
*Eligible applicants that complete less than 15 consecutive days will have their grant pro-rated.
You are not eligible to apply for the ECPPG if you were employed in a Queensland ECEC service at the time of your final practicum placement or if you do not meet the eligibility criteria.
Additional grant for outer regional or remote final placement
You may be eligible for an additional $5,000, if you meet the above criteria and:
- the ECEC service where you completed your prac was located in an outer regional, remote or very remote location (refer to list of eligible services) and
- your home was more than 2 hours drive, each way, to the service, calculated using the NRMA Trip planner and
- your final prac ranged between 15 consecutive days* to 40 plus consecutive days.
*Eligible applicants that completed less than 15 consecutive days will have their grant pro-rated.
When to apply?
Applications are to be submitted once you have completed your final prac placement. You have until 31 March 2025 to submit your grant application.
How to apply?
- Click Apply online at the bottom of this ad (create an account if you are new to SmartJobs)
- Complete the Personal details, Work status, Employee information sections
- Respond to all questions in the ECPPG online survey (the survey will open after you have clicked "Apply" and entered your personal details)
- Email the documents specified in the Document Checklist - ECPPG to the Department of Education at PracGrant.EC@qed.qld.gov.au. Include in the subject your [First Name, Second Name – ECPPG 2024 application].
Grant assessments
Allow up to 6 weeks after submitting a complete grant application to receive a decision letter via email. Successful applicants will be required to accept the Conditions for Payment and submit their bank details via to facilitate payment. Regularly check your emails for updates/requests for further information.
Grant payments
Successful applicants will receive a lump sum payment, following receipt of bank account details. Allow up to 4 weeks after submitting your bank details for funds to be deposited into your account.
Tax implications
Seek financial advice (tax advisor, accountant, Australian Taxation Office, Centrelink) regarding the impact of grant payments on your income tax or benefits.
Future grant rounds
Subscribe to be notified of future grant rounds in 2025, 2026 and 2027.
Further questions? Email PracGrant.EC@qed.qld.gov.au
mentsSuccessful applicants will receive a lump sum payment, following receipt of bank account details. Allow up to 4 weeks after submitting your bank details for funds to be deposited into your account.
Tax implications
Seek financial advice (tax advisor, accountant, Australian Taxation Office, Centrelink) regarding the impact of grant payments on your income tax or benefits.
Future grant rounds
Subscribe to be notified of future grant rounds in 2025, 2026 and 2027.
Further questions? Email PracGrant.EC@qed.qld.gov.au