0436 695 374
About this job
Position Information
Parkes High School (enrolment 597 students, including 26% Aboriginal students) is a comprehensive secondary school that provides education to an expanding rural community in the central west of NSW. The school attracts equity funding and is focusing on quality teaching, differentiation, literacy and numeracy. Parkes High School is developing a dedicated STEM teaching space and partnerships with universities. Parkes High School is a Positive Behaviour for Learning school and is part of the Henry Parkes Learning Community. The school operates within a highly inclusive model of support for students with disabilities and has six Special Education classes and a Tutorial Centre. Parkes High School has a proud history of outstanding academic, sporting, cultural and performing arts achievements. Parkes High School also offers an extensive range of Vocational Education and Training courses delivered across the school.
General Selection Criteria
1. Successful teaching experience with capacity to initiate improvement in teaching, learning and classroom practice
2. Knowledge of curriculum, assessment and student welfare with the ability to lead and design quality, inclusive teaching and learning programs
3. Educational leadership skills to build the capacity and manage the performance of individuals and teams
4. Well developed communication and interpersonal skills with the capacity to build relationships and engage students, staff and parents
5. Ability to plan and manage resources effectively and equitably to support teaching and learning
6. Knowledge of and commitment to the Department's Aboriginal education policy
Specific Selection Criteria
In addition to the general selection criteria, a highly visible and proactive leader with the capacity to work collaboratively with the school executive team, to enhance the overall capacity of teaching staff with a diverse range of expertise and experience, to improve student learning outcomes.
An unconditional full approval to teach is a requirement. If you do not hold a full approval to teach with the NSW Department of Education, you are required to commence the application process at the same time as you apply for this teaching opportunity.
Special Notes
Applicants are to include details of their WWCC clearance number as part of this application.
This is an above centrally identified permanent position established through school funds. The successful candidate’s continued appointment to this position will be subject to the continuity of funding, the ongoing requirement of the position and the educational needs of the school.
Should the funding or the requirement for the position cease, the teacher will receive nominated transfer status; please refer to the Staffing Procedure for the Teaching Service in NSW Public Schools for additional information.
When accepting the position, the successful applicant will be indicating their acceptance of the terms and conditions attached to this appointment.
About the NSW Department of Education
The Department of Education is the largest provider of public education in Australia with responsibility for delivering high-quality public education to two-thirds of the NSW student population. We welcome applications from all ages and genders, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, culturally and linguistically diverse groups, the LGBTQIA+ community, veterans, refugees and people with disability. If we can make some adjustments to our recruitment/interview process to better enable you to shine, please contact the Diversity and Inclusion Team (dandi@det.nsw.edu.au) or visit NSW Department of Education Diversity and Inclusion
New merit selection application guidelines for classroom teachers, executives and principals have been introduced to provide greater clarity to applicants and selection panels. The guidelines are located here. To ensure that your application complies with the guideline page limits, your attachments must be in PDF format.