August 25, 2016 - August 25, 2016
10:00am - 3:30pm
After the success of the first ever Big Wool Day Out in 2015, DATTA VIc and the National Wool Museum are delighted to announce details of our 2016 event - and it's even bigger and better than before! Join us for this fantastic professional learning opportunity for textiles teachers - both primary and secondary.
- Learn about the new F-10 Design & Technology Curriculum from a textiles perspective from Leanne Compton, the Curriculum Manager
- Hear from the The Woolmark Company's Allan De Boos about product development in industry (VCE PD&T SAC 2 (Unit 3, Outcome 2)
- The National Gallery of Victoria's Textiles Conservator Kate Douglas will join us via web conference to discuss the care and conservation of wool, and show of some of NGV's textiles treasures!
- Develop a Unit of Work based on the NWM's Scarf Festival, which will take your students from developing design briefs to creating their own wearable art
- Learn new skills in Spinning and Nuno Felting.
- Explore the museum and the 2016 Scarf Festival Exhibition - Myths & Legends
- Go behind the scenes of the National Wool Museum's collection stores
- Network with textiles teachers from throughout Victoria, sharing tips and ideas and discovering new sources of support
- Take part in our materials swap - bring a bag of your unwanted textiles and materials and swap it for a bag of something new!
"I was extremely satisfied...the sharing if ideas, resources and sources of materials was most helpful." E.B. 2015 Big Wool Day Out participant
$190 for members (includes lunch)
$290 for non-members (includes lunch and DATTA Vic membership)