Spelling for Life

Do you find spelling ‘difficult’, ‘complex’, ‘confusing’ or ‘confounding’? Knowing how to spell requires four basic strands of knowledge: visual, morphological, phonological and etymological. Deciding which strand to apply and when, is a formidable task for teachers.

Date November 9, 2017 - November 9, 2017
Time 9:00am - 3:00pm

Spelling for Life: uncovering the simplicity and science of spelling breaks the subject of spelling down into key topics in this one-day workshop.

This workshop will enable teachers and parents to:

  • learn about common spelling coping strategies
  • gain insights into undoing poor spelling habits
  • work together to notice patterns not only in regular spelling, but also in words which on the surface seem to break the spelling rules, and
  • practise successful spelling strategies, progressing from simple to complex words rapidly and with confidence.




$225 (includes copy of Spelling for Life)