About the workshop:
This workshop has three main parts:
Part 1
- Introduction to classroom acoustics and speech intelligibility, and the effect of noise on children and teachers
Part 2
- Introduction to open plan classrooms/innovative learning environments
- Description of four case study classrooms found in Sydney (including how the acoustics of the classrooms affect 5- to 6-year-old children’s ability to hear their teacher’s speech, and how the teachers perceive these classrooms in relation to noise, ease of speech communication, and vocal health)
Part 3
- Group activity – identifying the weaknesses and strengths of your own classrooms, and discussion on how the environments can be improved
- Practical activity on how to measure noise and reverberation in the classroom
Workshop outcomes:
By the end of this workshop, attendees should be able to:
Better understand how noise affects children and teachers
Understand the pros and cons of innovative learning environments
Know how to measure and monitor noise levels in the classroom
Understand how to design and work in classrooms so as to minimise noise levels/reverberation, and make them conducive environments for children’s learning
Who should/should not attend? Any prerequisites, assumed/required knowledge:
This workshop will be useful for people who work in primary school classrooms; for example, teachers, principals, special education teachers, itinerant teachers of the deaf, audiologists, speech pathologists, classroom designers, parents. No previous knowledge on acoustics is needed.
Preparation before the workshop:
Prior to the workshop, attendees are encouraged to send in a floor plan of the classroom they work in for the group activity. Attendees are also encouraged to bring their iPad (if they own one) for the practical activity.
Dr Kiri Mealings graduated from her PhD in Linguistics at Macquarie University, Sydney, in 2017 for a thesis entitled “An investigation into how the acoustics of open plan and enclosed classrooms affect speech perception for Kindergarten children”. Kiri’s earlier studies include an Associate Diploma in Music Australia (Flute) in 2008 through the Australian Music Examinations Board, a Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) in 2011 at Macquarie University, and First Class Honours in Speech and Hearing Sciences in 2012, also at Macquarie University. Kiri is currently working as a postdoctoral research scientist on the auditory processing disorders team at the National Acoustic Laboratories in Sydney.
$500 per person (10% discount when enrolled in two workshops)