Learning Conversations with Global Thinkers- Alice Keeler

Event by EdTechSA

EdTechSA continues its ‘Learning Conversations with Global Thinkers’ series with one of the most amazing educators that you will ever hear: Alice Keeler.

Date March 29, 2016 - March 29, 2016
Time 5:30pm - 7:30pm

This event is absolutely FREE for EdTechSA Members, but registration is essential. 

Non EdTechSA-members $78 which is also the cost of an individual membership for 1 year, with access to more of these professional learning events. If you are NOT a member, consider joining before registering.

In ‘Learning Conversations with Global Thinkers’: “Blended Learning Changes What We Do” Alice will lead a discussion around Blended Learning, What is it? Why do we want it?

32 Morphett Rd, Novar Gardens
South Australia