The Hero's Journey is a structure integrated into stories that explore the inner conflicts of characters through externalising their emotions. Filmmakers such as George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, James Cameron and Disney incorporate the Hero's Journey into their films.
Filmmakers - learn how to avoid predicable plots and create fresh film stories.
Actors - learn how to understand the archetypal nature of your character.
Animators - learn how to create an original story from old myths.
Using examples from films, all participants will learn what filmmakers, actors and animators need to know to create compelling characters and an engaging story. With a perspective on Hollywood storytelling techniques, this accelerated introductory 3-hour workshop is offered at no charge to introduce participants to the philosophy and practical nature of the International Screen Academy's programs.
RSVPs are essential. Enrolments are strictly limited.
For more information, contact the International Screen Academy on 02 8399 3380.